The camera can lie. Visiting gardens is not the straight-forward business it would seem to be, and I don’t like to think of the number of wasted days I have had travelling full of anticipation to see some second-rate garden … Continue reading
The camera can lie. Visiting gardens is not the straight-forward business it would seem to be, and I don’t like to think of the number of wasted days I have had travelling full of anticipation to see some second-rate garden … Continue reading
What a tantalising thought. Putting together the two greatest masters of landscape in a single garden; but Andre Le Notre met his maker in 1700 sixteen years before Lancelot Capability Brown was even born. However this novel idea comes closest … Continue reading
I would imagine that visiting gardens between the wars was much more of an adventure than it is today; no road signs, no gift shops, glossy brochures, plant sales, restaurants and cafes, no children’s play areas, farmers’ markets, no pay … Continue reading